William Reyes
William Reyes (VCR)
Website: http://flavors.me/theoneups; https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Altered-Beasts/100379336806296; http://www.williamreyesguitar.com/
Location: Fayetteville, AR, USA
Role on Project: Musician - arrangement, guitars, percussion
Songs: Together Always
Interview: Interview with William Reyes on Spectrum of Mana
Description: William Reyes holds a bachelor's degree in Classical Guitar Performance and a master's degree in Music Composition. He taught himself spanish guitar at a young age and has since then composed, arranged, recorded and performed a great deal of works. He currently teaches classical and jazz guitar at the University of Arkansas -Ft. Smith, Northeastern State University, The Suzuki Music School of Arkansas, and The Academy of the Arts.

One of the original members/founders of The OneUps and also The Altered Beasts.
About the Game: "I never played it because I didn't own it, but when I was a kid, I would watch my cousin play it all the time. I still plan on playing it someday. ;)"
About the Project: "This is truly an incredible collaboration. What a privelege it is to be a part of something like this."
Notable Works: - The Altered Beasts - Transfiguration (link)
- The OneUps (link)