Super Guitar Bros.
Super Guitar Bros.
Band Members: Sam Griffin
Steve Poissant
Location: Metro Detroit Area, MI, USA
Main Songs: Village of Silent Roses, The Summer Sky is Blue
Interview: Interview with Super Guitar Bros. on Spectrum of Mana
Description: The Super Guitar Bros are not actually brothers - they're bros! Steve met Sam back in 2007 at a local coffee shop he was performing with a mutual friend. After seeing Sam's incredible classical skills, Steve knew the two of them had to start making music. After their first jam session together you could tell the two of them just clicked. They've been playing together ever since.
About the Game: "Neither of us actually played this game when we were younger. But working on this project has motivated us to play it multiplayer. Unfortunately we haven't had much time to play it and only just got to the part where you get the second character. It's a sweet game though with awesome music."
Notable Works: - PAX 2013 (link - start at 12 hours)
- Vampire Variations (link)
- Steve's solo arrangements under the name Aktulua (link)
The Color of the Summer Sky (link)
A Phantom and a Rose (link)