Ali Floyd
Ali Floyd (Djantir)
Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Role on Project: Artist
Solo Contributions: Ice Country, Ancient Subway, Flammie's Cave
Collaborations: Mana Sword cover, Tree Palace, Karon's Ferry, Watts
Description: Ali has been known for drawing since grade school, and grew into focusing a lot on advancing with figure drawings and character art, with the occasional dipping into other avenues, such as backgrounds. He also attended and graduated from the Art Institute of Philadelphia in 2011, majoring in Media Arts & Animation, learning skills using Autodesk 3DS Max.
About the Game: "Owned the cartridge when it was first released in the States, and made the most of it. Though I recently had my first experience playing the entire game through with two other players! It was definitely a more enjoyable adventure!"
Notable Works: - Vampire Variations (